Homeschool Classes 2025
Both Terri, the company director, and Marika are home-school advocates as they have home-educated their own chlldren. In 2025, Better Basics is able to support homeschooling families by offering classes in English, Maths and debating. If you are interested in joining a class in 2025 or finding out more information please message Terri at
Feel free to organise your own group and contact Terri to book in a weekly class time to suit.
English & Debating Classes
Beginning Reading and Spelling (Prep-Yr1)
- Structured cumulative phonics for beginning to learn and read.
- Fun lessons, lots of hands-on activities and games to promote learning.
- Handwriting included.
- Suit younger school-age children who are just learning to read and spell.
- 75 minute lessons
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
- Homework and activities supplied for further practice at home.
Read and spell multi-syllable words Yr 2-4
- Learn to read and spell 2 syllable words using syllable division rules.
- Handwriting included.
- Suits older children who have good reading and spelling ability with one syllable words but needs help to progress to reading and spelling longer words.
- Fun lessons, lots of hands-on activites and games to promote learning.
- 75 minute lessons
- Groups of 4-8 students. Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
- Homework and activities supplied for further practice at home.
Beginning Writing (Prep-Year 1)
- Learn the fundamental skills of writing sentences.
- Sentence structure, writing basic sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences.
- Learn about basic punctuation including capital letters and full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas.
- Lessons will make learning to write fun and interesting.
- Suit younger children who haven't had a lot of experience with formal writing instruction.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Intermediate Writing Yr 2-4
- Students will move from writing sentences to writing paragraphs.
- Through the course students will progress to writing different styles of writing, including letters, persuasive pieces and information reports on topics chosen by the tutor and topics chosen by themselves.
- Lessons will make learning to write fun, interesting and practical.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Will suit students who have ability to write sentences (we can do revision of sentence structure where necessary) and want to progress to writing paragraphs and longer pieces of writing.
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Senior Essay Writing Yr 5-9
- Continuation from Intermediate Writing
- Learn how to write 5 paragraph essay (can be longer for those children who want to write more)
- Learn essay structure, grammar and punctuation used frequently in essays.
- Learn to research for essay writing.
- Learn how to plan for writing using a variety of pen and paper and online planning tools.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Senior Creative Writing Yr 5-9
- Continuation from Intermediate Writing.
- Learn how to write creative and entertaining narratives.
- Learn the structure of narrative, grammar and punctutation often used in narrative.
- Learn methods of planning for narrative writing.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Debating Intermediate (Yr 5-7)
- Learn what a debate it is and how they are used in the real world.
- Learn the structure of team debates.
- Learn the roles of the speakers in a team debate.
- Practice public speaking skills in a fun and non-judgemental atmosphere.
- Learn to write a basic debate with 1-2 or arguments (having some writing skills may be beneficial although we can plan using picture cues or digital technology, so not a necessity).
- Participate in a team debate.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Debating High School (Yr 7-10)
- Learn what a debate it is and how they are used in the real world.
- Learn the structure of team debates.
- Learn the roles of the speakers in a team debate.
- Practice public speaking skills in a fun and non-judgemental atmosphere.
- Learn to write a basic debate with 1-2 or arguments (having some writing skills may be beneficial although we can plan using picture cues or digital technology, so not a necessity).
- Participate in a team debate.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Groups of 4-8 students. Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Maths Classes
Beginning Maths Prep-Year 1
- Learn the fundamentals of maths and number.
- Learn about our number system and place value of numbers to 100, learn to write numbers.
- Topics covered will depend on the needs of the learners but will typically cover addition and subtraction, patterns, early money recognition, simple fractions and more.
- Learn maths in a fun, engaging, hand-on way with friends.
- 75 minute lesson.
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Intermediate Maths
- Extension from beginning maths.
- Learn harder number and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills, fractions.
- Learn to analyse and answer simple through to more complex word problems.
- Complete more written maths and start to use technology to assist with maths.
- 75 minute lesson
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
Year 5-7 maths
- Continuation of intermediate maths.
- Learn to calculate more in depth number problems involving multiple calculations.
- Learn fractions and decimals.
- Learn other areas of maths as directed by student needs.
- 75 minute lesson
- Groups of 4-8 students.
- Price depends on students numbers, 4 children at $37.50 each per lesson, 8 children at $18.75 per lesson. Parents will be expected to sign up for a term but payment can be made weekly.
High School Maths Tutor
- Alex is an 18 year old gifted and talented, homeschooled student who offers one-on-one tutoring for primary and high-school students in maths.
- Alex has been successful in home education and will be studying vetinary science in 2025.
- Perfect for students needing a little more guidance from someone that understands maths.
- 60 minute sessions, one-on-one sessions online during the week or one-on-one on Saturdays.
- Please send a message to for more information.